Client: Audi
Report 2017
Agency: BrandsOnSpeed, Stuttgart
Creative Art Direction: Vera Andrea Uchytil
Audi has had an eventful year. In order to drive the transformation from car manufacturer to digital service provider, a lot had to change. How do you manage that? By changing perspective. This is logically at the heart of the concept, because with the help of a change of perspective, Audi has succeeded in releasing energy for new thinking and courageous action in a difficult environment.
Instead of long stories, there are short teasers and the Talking Business section. Here, relevant information for the financial community is competently prepared and background information is explained in a target group-oriented manner. We have designed and produced the entire annual report. Both in print and digitally.

Why are you creative? A funny photo shooting with the super interesting designers of Audi in a box, in which the creators express themselves on the subject of creativity